Publications / About
Anti-Heroin Chic - Winter 2023
JAKE - Summer 2023
Bullshit Lit - Summer 2023
Across the Margin - Spring 2023
Corporeal Mag - Spring 2023
The Hopper - Fall 2022
New Feathers Anthology - Summer 2022
Breathe. (memoir/essay) [online/print]
Barnstorm Literary Journal - Spring 2022
Walking Weimar - Summer 2020
Trauma, Walking, Temporary Footprints (critique) [print]
Notes on a Springtime Walk (memoir/essay) [print]
upstreet number sixteen - Summer 2020
Transubstantiation (memoir/essay) [print]
I call myself a multimedia storyteller. Prose, photographs, images, objects, audio, video, and conversation itself all operate as parts of the multidimensional presentation of a story. And stories, to me, are tantamount in helping us connect on a deeper human level with one another and the world around us.
This all distills down to writer, photographer, doer.
In following storytelling, I’ve recently completed my MFA in Nonfiction Creative Writing at the University of New Hampshire. My written work leans heavily into social analysis and observation, discussing why we do what we do, how we interact with others, and critiquing the communities and systems in which we participate. This leads me to often looking to LGBTQ+/queer identities and spaces, nightlife, subcultures, religion/spirituality, and interactions between those topics.
Over my time at UNH, my work in writing and publishing covered a range of outlets. Having just completed my tenure as Editor-in-Chief of Barnstorm Literary Journal, and prior as the Journal’s Managing Editor, I’m proud to have worked with a vibrant team of staff editors, featured writers, and collaborating creatives to continue the 15-years-and-counting legacy of the UNH English Graduate School’s online literary journal, operated and published entirely by MFA Creative Writing students. I was additionally an instructor of First Year Writing/Composition, teaching new undergraduate students to navigate academic writing in the college environment, and was Co-Host of Read Free Or Die, the UNH MFA Creative Writing program’s graduate student reading series.
This pursuit of an MFA in Creative Writing came soon after earning my BA from Emmanuel College, Boston in International Journalism in Text & Image.
This individualized degree program incorporated journalism, international politics, and lens media, as well as contemporary art history, global religious studies, and philosophy. Within this, I participated in academic exchange studying under the Faculty of Art in Social Practice at Bauhaus University in Weimar, TH, Germany, where my work focused in art publishing, documentary photography, and applied curatorial theory.
I intend for my work in all mediums to encourage dialogue on our nature as people, and for us to sincerely question why our communities operate as they do. The systems in which we exist are not fixed entities, and it is our duty as active participants in this global community to ensure those systems best support all people they include.